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Topricin Cream 4 oz, Topical Biomedics

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Topical Biomedics
RRP: £48.95
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 Product Description

Topricin Cream 4 oz Topical Biomedics

- Brand New

- Homeopathic

- Natural Herbals

- Cream Format

Any reviews or opinions expressed in manufacturer description is not endorsed by our store. Always consult a qualified  professional. Always Read Label Before Using This Product. 

DIRECTIONS: Generously apply 3 to 4 times daily or more if needed, 3 inches on and around affected area.

Massage in until absorbed

Use before and after sports workouts and competitions

Apply immediately for acute trauma (sprain, strain, bruise, impact or crushing injury).

Seek immediate attention if pain or swelling is severe.

Reapply before bedtime and in the morning.


Homeopathic Ingredients: Purpose
Aesculus hippocastanum: 6X Relieves chronic pain in the legs and spider veins.
Arnica montana: 6X Treats injuries & bruising to muscles and joints.
Belladonna: 6X Anti-Spasmodic and Anti-Inflammatory.
Crotalus horridus: 8X Improves Circulation.
Echinacea: 6X Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial
Graphites: 6X For skin conditions
Heloderma: 8X Relief of buring pain in the hands and feet.
Lachesis mutus: 8X Relief of sciatic pain and carpal tunnel.
Naja tripudians: 8X Reduces inflammation to nerve tissue.
Rhus toxicodendron: 6X Treats sprains, arthritic pain and backaches.
Ruta graveolens: 6X Relief of injuries to the knee, shin and elbow.
Inactive Ingredients Purified water, highly refined vegetable oils, gIycer ln, medium chain triglyceride


USES: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)Injury of Hand, Wrist and Fingers

Arthritis Pain/Joint & Hand: (neck, shoulders, back, wrist, hand, knee and fingers)

Neck & Shoulder Pain/


Lower Back Pain/SciaticaSports/Trauma Injuries: (Ankle Sprain, Tennis/Golfers Elbow, Muscle Pain, Impact Injuries, Dislocations and any other trauma injuries of the joints and muscles).

Ankle Sprain & Heel Spurs Muscle Spasm/Night Leg Cramps

Tennis/Golfers Elbow/Tendonitis

Impact injuries (deep bruising of the muscles)

Dislocations (of the shoulder etc.)

WARNINGS: For external use onlyDo not apply in eyes

Keep all supplements out of the reach of children

Use only as directed.

Store at room temperature, and tightly secure cap after use See professional if pain persists for more than 3 days or worsens, if new symptoms occur, or if redness or swelling are present; these could be signs of a more serious condition.

Topricin is moisturizing, non-irritating, odorless & greaseless. It supports the body's natural processes that work to Heal the Damage that Causes the discomfort.

DISCLAIMER: If you have, or suspect you have, a wellness issue, be sure to consult a qualified professional. Always let a professional know when you are considering any self-help treatment, especially if you are taking other supplements. Be sure to see a professional for any pain that has lasted more than 3 days. Consult a professional for a proper diagnosis if you think you are suffering from arthritis. Application instructions must be followed to get the best results. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any reviews or opinions expressed in manufacturer description is not endorsed by our store. Always consult a professional.

UPC: 609863047049

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