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Nasal Rinsing System, 1 Kit Nasaline, Squip

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RRP: £38.95
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 Product Description

Squip Nasal Rinsing System Nasaline Squip (Nasal Wash, Congestion) UK Dispatch

- Fast
- Gentle

Brand New

Any reviews or opinions expressed in manufacturer description is not endorsed by our store. Always consult a qualified professional.

- Easy Alternative to Net Pots and Sinus Rinse Bottles!
- Developed by Swedish Ent-Specialists
Helps decongest and drain nasal passages and provide relief from symptoms of...

- Allergies

- Colds
- The Flu
- Sinus Related Infections
Kit Contains

- Nasal rinser

- Storage sleeve
- 10 pre-measured saline packets
- Instructions (Eng/Sp)
The comfortable and easy method to rinse your nose with saline solution.


- Designed to produce a gentle and effective swirl when the saline solution enters nose.
- Manufactured using Professional Grade silicone without any harmful plastic manufacturing components.
Uses- Helps relieve symptoms of allergies, colds and sinus infections. Decongests and drains nasal passages and washes out, dirt, dust, and pollen.
Suggested Use
As simple as... 1-2-3Mix 1 packet (2.5 g) of Nasaline salt with 1 cup (8 oz.) of warm water.Extract the saline solution into the Nasaline applicator.Slowly push the saline solution up into the nose...and it will pour out the other nostril.Use once or twice daily or as directed by a qualfied professional.Use distilled or sterilized water when making the saline solution.Read complete instructions inside the box.
Sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonateThe Nasaline product is free of harmful plastic manufacturing components and latex.
Before use, consult a professional if you have any ear or sinus conditions.Do not use this product if:- Nasal passages are completely blocked.- You have an acute or new ear infection.Discontinue use if you experience pressure in the ears.Keep out of reach of children. Do not share product with other person as you may spread infections.Store in dry place.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
UPC: 894321000722


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