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Iron High Potency with Vitamin C, 60 Tabs, Vitron-C

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RRP: £34.46
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 Product Description

Iron High Potency with Vitamin C, 60 Tabs, Vitron-C

  • Dietary Supplement
  • Brand New
  • Herbal Naturals
  • Tabs Format

 Any reviews or opinions expressed in manufacturer description is not endorsed by our store. Always consult a qualified professional. Always Read Label Before Using This Product.

 A once a day tablet that helps your body absorb dietary iron more effectively.

 Vitron-C replenishes the Iron Your Body Needs. Vitron-C is a high potency iron supplement uniquely formulated with vitamin C to help your body better absorb iron. Vitron-C helps fight fatigue and boost energy for those who suffer from low iron levels.¹

  •  Easy on the stomach.
  • Less constipation.
  • 65mg elemental iron.


What is an Iron Deficiency?
Iron deficiency is the most common type of nutritional deficiency and a leading cause of anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the body doesn’t have enough healthy red bIood cells because of a lack of iron. Without enough iron, your body can’t make enough hemoglobin (pronounced he-mo-glo-bin)—a substance that helps red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues.

Hemoglobin also helps our muscles store and use oxygen. Iron deficiency can affect many body functions. It can delay growth in children, stand in the way of our ability to do work as adults, cause problems during pregnancy and it can even cause heart problems, such as a rapid or irregular heartbeat.

What are the Symptoms of Iron Deficiency?

One classic sign of iron deficiency is if you're feeling tired, weak and your skin color is pale. Why? Because without enough iron, your body can’t make enough of a protein that helps red blood cells carry around oxygen to parts of the body. And red blood cells not only give your body energy, they give your skin a healthy color.


Here are some other signs to watch for:


Blue color to whites of the eyes.
Brittle nails.
Decrease in appetite, or work and school performance.
Unusual cravings to eat things that aren’t food, such as dirt.

Why Vitron-C?
Vitron-C contains ferronyl iron—which means it has a higher iron content, which means a lower level achieves the same dose as other forms.
t's safe (has low toxicity).

It's easily absorbed so you get the iron you need.
Added vitamin C improves iron absorption.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

UPC: 885260280726

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